Yes! You get the opportunity to invest in more than 20 most sustainable companies with the Tomorrow Fund. We ensure this by using a 5-step screening process. The process breaks down as follows:

1. Exclusion criteria: Exclusion of companies that invest in yesterday's industries such as fossil fuels, weapons and factory farming

2. Paris Climate Agreement: Checking whether the agreements from the Paris Climate Agreement are being adhered to. For this purpose, the 'X-Degree Compatibility (XDC) Model' from right. based on science is used. It analyzes by how many degrees °C the earth would warm up if the whole world were to operate like this company does

3. Positive criteria: Screening for positive criteria* that have a positive impact on the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

4. Impact Council: Final decision by independent Impact Council

5. Risk allocation: The securities selected by the Impact Council are subjected to a risk analysis by Evergreen; the portfolio is then assembled

You can find an overview of the criteria here.